New Delhi : " It was a dream come true moment for me, feeling like on cloud nine to be featured in Creative Gaga’s Best Indian Illustrators edition", said Shital Verma, the National Design Editor of Nav Bharat Times. Shital - one of the most talented and creative illustrators of the country, has been honoured by Creative Gaga, a highly talked about magazine in the art circles, for his extraordinary designing skills. His profile and art work has got featured in the first volume edition of the CG’s “Best Indian Illustrators”. On this recognition, Shital smilingly says, “I had never thought of a national level recognition by such a noted publication in the Design and Commercial Art world. I started my career as an illustrator way back in1995 with a publication house in Allahabad , and later switched to Graphic Design and Art Direction. However, illustration is my core competency and for the past 6 years I have sharpened my lost skills again an...